Journal of a Junkie...This blog tracks the random thoughts and feelings as well as my journey to sobriety...dealing with depression, anxiety and addiction. Sharing my story, hoping that it helps others dealing with the same disease(s).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Times, They Are A Changin'

Its been over 6 months since my last post, and I know I keep saying, "This time I will keep my blog up to date!"...but something always seems to happen in life after I say that in a post. So this time, I say I will post when I have something for the good of the "group". But a great friend of mine suggested I keep up with my blog on a more regular basis because in his opinion it helps me maintain my Serenity which I have lost a bit of along the way...Not enough to relapse, but enough to make it uncomfortable.

When I last posted, I was engaged, preparing to move in with my fiance either in Washington or here in the valley, working on obtaining a newer vehicle with him and maintaining a high level of Serenity everyday. I look back and re-read that blog over and over I am amazed at how annoyingly happy I was.

Ironic how time changes things.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Rocky Road. Part Two.

My Sobriety Date. April 3, 2011.

It was the weekend of my middle child's 16th birthday. All of the family except for her and I went out of town. She and I stayed home so that we could spend time together and she could celebrate her 'Sweet Sixteen' Saturday night and Sunday night with her friends.

I'm not going to get into the sorted details of that night...all I will say is the night consisted of me making several very poor choices, that ended with me collapsing on the floor of the garage. I was left there for a few hours until my daughter was awakened and she desperately tried unsuccessfully to get me to come to. Not knowing what else to do, she called 911, got me to the hospital, got herself to the hospital and got me checked into the hospital and ensured that I was being taken care of. She made so many sacrifices that weekend. Her 'Sweet Sixteen' was spent by my side at the hospital.

Apparently, I still was not on the right path. Little did I know, the right path would soon be presented to me...all I had to do was make the decision to put one foot forward on that path. I am proud to say, that ten months later, I am so grateful that I made the decision to travel down this new path.

Tomorrow I will be celebrating being 10 months clean and sober. I have an amazing family, who for the most part, are very supportive. I am engaged to a wonderful man who has known from the beginning where I have come from and what I have done, and never has judged me or treated me any differently. I have a great job that I enjoy and I get to work with great people. My life is very different today than it was two years ago, even 5 years ago. I am truly happy, healthy and loved.